Friday, March 27, 2015

College Students and Recent Grads, Standout and Be Found: FAVAR Education Codes

In my last post we discussed the challenges college students and recent college graduates face on LinkedIn.  The complexities of attempting to find a recent college grad with a  specific degree and major is a formidable task, to put it mildly. 

LinkedIn search is not designed to efficiently handle such a search.

Recruiters and employers are forced to accept the fact that they will not be reasonably able to explore the complete talent pool. It would take too long.

Oftentimes it is fair to assume that the best candidate may not have been given any consideration as it was just too difficult to find and filter through the profiles.

Recognizing this problem, we went to work on a solution and developed “FAVAR™ Education Codes”.

FAVAR Education Codes is a systemized way of expressing educational degrees.  The Codes can be used on LinkedIn, other social media outlets, and resumes.  Simply adding “#” to the front of a Code makes it searchable on Twitter.

There are three components to every Code:

  1. Degree Level
  2. Year Graduated
  3. Major

Here is the code for someone graduating in 2015 with an MBA:

Mqq15BUADq (we use “q” in the Code to make the Code unique)

The Codes enable recruiters and employers to instantly identify people with specific educational background.  They are like heat to a heat-seeking missile for recruiters and employers – when they are used.

Go ahead, copy and paste "Mqq15BUADq" into LinkedIn search and see for your self!

Recruiters may run a search with the following criteria to get broader results over several years:

"Mqq14BUADq OR Mqq15BUADq OR Mqq16BUADq"

The Codes will work for everyone who has a degree, but they are most beneficial for college students, recent college grads, and those with highly specialized areas of study, or advanced degrees.  It actually gives them a chance to standout and be found!

They are also free to everyone and can be downloaded from our homepage: www.MaxOutLI.comwithout providing any personal information.  We want everyone to use them!

The downloadable PDF also includes detailed instructions, or you can watch the video.

The codes will only have value if they become widely used.  Please tell others about FAVAR Education Codes!

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